I now pronounce you . . .

(PNAN) “It is our next step on the way of enriching the experience of our viewers,” said Larisa Pilinisky, who wants it not only a feast for their eyes and ears, but also a source of healing. LarkGallery Online has brought together a new international competition entitled, ”Colors of Life” with the marriage of Art and Music. “Visual artists show their works and musicians give voice and sound to them,” added Pilinisky. In addition, the competition brings together both the artists and viewers in a dual united expression of art forms.

“Royal Couple” by Victor Shtivelberg – www.art-victor.com

Every artist and musician sees and feels colors in a different way. Therefore, musicians choose a work of art and dedicate their composition to that visual art. If chosen, their score will be embedded with the artwork.

“We are attracting the leading critics in the art and music industry to be our jurors, said Pilinisky. Senior curator Peter Frank of California’s Riverside Art Museum and Editor of Fabrik magazine evaluates the visual art, while writer Laurence Vittes for Gramophone, HuffPost and the Hollywood Reporter, will judge the musical part.

Those inducted into the exhibition will have their art and music showcased on LarkGallery Online and linked to their own websites for a year. Winners will receive an individually designed web page and a year’s hosting valued at $600. The competition consists of First, Second, Third, and seven Honorable Mentions, and all have the opportunity to participate in LarkGallery and its sponsored brick and mortar exhibitions and music events. In addition, three from the competition’s classical music section, will be chosen by Artistic Director Yana Reznik to perform at “Live at the Lounge” and in its concert series.

Deadline for submission of the visual art is Wednesday, September 15 and for the music, Friday, October 1. For more information, visit: www.larkgalleryonline.com