Sweet play has ‘soapy’ reminders

      (PNAN-NY) – A witty, smart and often moving tale of the ties that bind and the ties that can so quickly unravel before our eyes, which will on Friday, February 11 at the Arts Society of Kingston. “With and Without” is a play written by Jeffrey Sweet, who will also direct not only the stars, Terri Mateer, Joe Bongiomo, Holly Graff, Ron Morehead, but also a cast of other professionals beyond opening on the 12th, 13th, 18th, 20th, 25th and 27th, with curtains rising all at 7:00 pm.

     Sweet sets an obvious holiday scene of fun, relaxation and wine at a lakeside vacation house, but Jill’s husband doesn’t show up, which also lends Mark and Shelly, the happily married center stage seating of Jill’s unsuccessful strides to cope. Although the lake offers much peace, the atmosphere inside brings to surface ago passions about the limits of friendship and marriage.

     For more information or to make reservations, call 845.338.0331, and to learn more about Jeffrey Sweet see:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sweet. Today, he serves on the Council of the Dramatists Guild, teaches at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and lectures at universities and theaters around the country.