He is dancing his way up

Albert Einstein said, “Dancers are athletes of God” and I have discovered one recently added to the San Diego Ballet and in my view, a rising star to their company, Tonatiuh Gomez. In addition, SDB also created a new ballet, “Jungle Book” to their repertoire which stars dancer Tonatiuh in the lead role as Mowgli and eventually the Ballet chosen the right prima ballerina become his partner. The ballet is a success and this is his role that he made his own as much as Sabu did in the movies.


Tonatiuh was a typical youngster, loving all the popular sports, mainly soccer and hockey which led to him been trained to represent Mexico in the Olympics. However, his first love and passion was always dance.

His mother was a ballerina of the Nationale Ballet de Mexico. His father was a dancer with the Ballets Folkloreo de Mexico. So dance is in his genes. Of course, his parents encouraged Tonatiuh as it was also their joint passion and their son had that natural ability. However, Tonatiiuh had a very practical side.  While taking dance classes, he earned a MFA in marketing which lead to him starting a business which he later sold so he could devote himself to dance full-time.

Tonatiuh started by being coached by Raudel Rascon and Sergei Sokolov at the Special Program at the Music and Dance of Monterrey. After one year, he was accepted into Philadelphia’s the Rock School of Dance Education. It was in this educational institution where he was able to study with great dancers from major companies from the entire world. Some of his stellar instructors were Alejandro Jauregui, Gisela Martínez, Armando Pineda, Angel Corella, Daniil Simkin and Ivan Vasiliev. This led him to be a semifinalist of the Intramuros Contest 2017 and he was invited to compete in the Varna International Ballet Competition.

As a former dancer myself, I can recognize the truly gifted. Tonatiuh does not dance with his feet, but with his passion.  He can hold an audience without moving because of his hypnotic presence. When he leaps there seems to be no gravity. Makes me ponder?  He must be the incarnation of Mercury or Icarus with invisible wings on his feet. Vaslav Nijinsky would have been proud to know Tonatiuh is carrying on his great tradition of charisma and style of dance. When I met him, I found him to be naturally kind and polite. In contrast as he flies onto the stage; he is on fire. Pavlova said, “When I dance I always leave a trail of blood.”  When Tonatiuh dances, I can attest he leaves it all on the floor.

Tonatiuh’s goal is to continue breaking paradigms within this profession and to be able to inspire and support the next generations of dancers. Currently, Tonatiuh Gomez is on tour with the San Diego Ballet as the Chevalier in the “Nutcracker.” For further information, see: https://sandiegoballet.org.

Personally and professionally, I know firsthand how it feels giving back. I found these traits in Tonatiuh who is not only an extraordinary dancer, but also blessed with many humanitarian qualities. I have asked him to be on my Board of Directors of the Tony Clark Trust. Once I have it fully establish, the Trust will help young male ballet dancers from ages 13 to 21 as well as provide aid to senior male ballet dancers between 50 and 65 years old.

More of Tonatiuh can be found in social media: Instagram @tonatiuhgomez and Facebook Tonatiuh Gomez.

By Chevalier Tony Clark


Tonatiuh Gomez – He is dancing his way up – 12-08-2018 – Art-to-Art Palette Journal by Chevalier Tony Clark

27 thoughts on “He is dancing his way up

  1. John G Sarley

    - Edit

    A very thoughtful and well-written article. I will be on the lookout for this extraordinary new talent.

  2. Will Lane

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    Fabulous review about Clark’s pick of a “rising star” in the dance arts.

  3. James Kellogg, filmmaker

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    Couldn’t have been written better. Mr. Clark brings insight and clarity to this work of passion.

  4. This is an incredible article highlighting how male dancers have transition from just being a support for the ballerinas to be coming fantastic athletes and stars of the show

  5. David Emboden

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    I have had the privilege of seeing Chevalier Clark dance. I highly respect his opinion as an expert. I am looking forward to seeing Tonatiuh dance in person. I did see a few excepts on IG. Wow!

  6. David Emboden

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    I am looking forward to seeing Tonatiuh dance in person. I did see a few excepts on IG. Wow!

  7. Mr. Clark knows talent when he sees it, and it appears that Tonatiuh has what it takes. This is a well written article that makes me want to now go and see him in person.

  8. Carolina Valdez

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    He is such a great dancer!!! Lets keep supporting him!
    Congrats Tonatiuh!!!

  9. Sofía Lopez

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    Awesome 🙌🏼 He will do amazing things, I hope to listen more about him!

  10. Dennise

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    Congrats Tonatiuh! Great article! You’re an excellent dancer

  11. Eduardo Serna

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    Thanks for being and example and an inspiration

    Keep moving forward

  12. Alejandro jauregui

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    De los chicos con los que he trabajado Tonatiuh no solo posee un gran talento técnico, sino que logra interpretar cada personaje llevando al público a disfrutar de cada uno de sus personajes.
    Es un gran artista.

  13. Gerardo Nieto

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    Such an inspiration, I saw him dancing here in Mexico and it was an awesome experience. I’m a big fan.

  14. Tanzar Ballet Academy

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    Amazing dancer, amazing artist, surely he will become a star very soon! We are proud of him!

  15. Armando Pineda

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    Congratulations Tonatiuh! The world must know your talent!

  16. Genaro Valerio

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    Adelante Tona en tu carrera y y que si tus éxitos. Un abrazo

  17. Stephanie Maiorano

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    Great article about an amazing dancer. Tonatiuh is an incredible talent and I feel fortunate to get to perform alongside him with the San Diego Ballet. Keep moving up!

  18. Gisela Martinez

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    Congratulations Tona! Keep working hard!

  19. Carolina Flores Ochoa

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    Congrats Tona!!
    Is awesome to know you and see how you constantly improve yourself, you teach and show that everybody can be what they want and work in what they like and love to do!!! And be succesful!! Thanks for all the lessons you shared my friend. Its a honor to be your friend and also be able to work for you.
    Please inspire us with more achievements! People who thinks out of the boxs are the ones that change the world!!! Thanks for make me want to be like those persons.

  20. TONATiuh gomez

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    I have to thank with all my heart this criticism that you wrote about me, I feel honored and with a greater responsability to continue growing and improving, always with the purpose of being able to inspire the future generations, so that they manage to develop extraordinary careers of their lives; as always continue to break paradigms and increase my standards.

    Once again I thank you.

  21. Seo Ra

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    i’m super proud of you, you’re going so far in your career, i’m excited and eager to read more about you and see your upcoming accomplishments. you’re an amazing dancer, always will be. it is obvious you put your heart and soul into every single performance. can’t wait to see more of you!!!!

  22. Monica Gomez

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    Eres una persona extraordinaria, ¡muchas felicidades! Eres un ejemplo de perseverancia

  23. Selena

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    Congratulations Tona! This is a beautifully written article about an amazing dancer and person! I’m fortunate enough to know him and to have danced with him. He has accomplished so much and I know he will do even bigger and better things!

  24. Erika Aguilar

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    Congratulations Tonatiuh, you are a great dancer and person. You will
    be able to achieve all your goals !

  25. Austin glenn frank

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    first as a former San Diego resident I’m surprised they have a ballet with such a talented dancer who sounds as if he must dance would be criminal to not praise him if you can walk you can dance but some are chosen to show us the ideal manner the human form can achieve

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