Dual shows opens soon

By Hope Wallace, Executive Director

Artist trading card by Hope Wallace

     This Sunday marks the opening of our new dual exhibit “It’s in the Cards” and “The Art of Therapy”.  In the Cards showcases an unusual art form where artists create original works of art on 2.5 x 3.5 inch cards roughly the size of baseball cards, called “artist trading cards.” Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) originally developed in Switzerland by M. Vänçi Stirnemann around 1997 spawned a worldwide trading culture. They can be created from almost any medium from paint, pencil, to cloth and metal. The idea behind the cards are not to sell the works but to trade with other artists, meet face to face and expand and exchange techniques and ideas. Anyone can and is encouraged to create these small works of art as a good way to refine their style, medium or technique but most importantly to meet other artists and have fun.

     While researching ATCs, and being prone to distraction when presented with new ways of making stuff, I decided to try one! I like painting and sculpting windows and doors, and so painted a small door with gouache (similar to tempera paint). Doors open, so why shouldn’t this one? Doors open for the primary reason of walking through them!

     Art is therapy in many instances but sometimes it’s much more. In our exhibit “The Art of Therapy”, we will be featuring artists from Vancrest Nursing Home, Bittersweet, Inc. in Whitehouse, Ohio and several other individuals both local and out-of-state with varying degrees of physical and/or developmental disability. However, in this instance “ability” is the focus.

     The artists of Vancrest, directed by Lydia McKinley, (CMT) will be displaying approximately 30 works in tempera using an unusual technique called MnemeTherapy™ that is both textural and fluid. MnemeTherapy™ uses everyday pleasures such as singing, movement, painting and story telling in a unique combination to stimulate dramatic changes in the brain.

From the left, Clair Weeder, Vancrest resident artist, and Mnemetherapist Lydia McKinley enjoy the final results of an art session.

     Persons with Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, stroke victims, Autism and Asperger’s syndrome PDD, ADD, ADHD Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy have benefited successfully with this therapy. Unlike Art Therapy, MnemeTherapy™ focuses on brain synchronization and sustained attentive focus, which can create new neural pathways. The show will also include photography from Van Wert’s Will Hawkins, work by local artist Val Sluterbeck, and drawings from Virginia artist Bruce Lynn Dellinger.  In addition, artists from Bittersweet, Inc., an 80-acre farm community serving adults with autism, will be exhibiting works in acrylic, gouache and ceramics. These artists also have a small display at the Niswonger Performing Art Center in the upper lobby.

     We invite you to visit and enjoy this exhibit with an opening reception this Sunday, April 3, 1:00-5:00 pm and continuing through May 7. This show is graciously sponsored by Vancrest Nursing Home, Van Wert. Wassenberg Art Center exhibit hours are Tuesday-Sunday, 1:00-5:00 pm.  Admission is always free.

     The Wassenberg Art Center is located at 643 S. Washington Street in Van Wert, Ohio.  Contact us at 419.238.6837 or wassenberg@embarqmail.com.  Information about current classes and exhibits is on the calendar at our website, www.vanwert.com/wassenberg.

Camera Club news

By Rex Dolby

     The Camera Club met Thursday, March 24, at the Art Center to work on a number of upcoming issues.  Pres. Hattery started the meeting with handouts and a slide show on what to consider as we prepare our entries for next month’s competition, which has Seasons as the theme.

     She then turned to the topic of the categories for this year’s photography exhibit at the county fair.  Out of that discussion, the following themes were selected:  “Van Wert County Fair”, “On the Farm”, “Silly Portraits”, “Night Time”, and “In Motion.”  This decision should provide adequate time for local photographers to create some great images.

     The next topic was suggestions the club could submit to the Wassenberg board for the Wassenberg Art Center October Show prospectus.  These included ideas for changes in categories and changes in the number of entries.

     Will Hawkins, our newest member, brought some fine pictures of birds he’d taken on or near his bird feeder.  Some of these may appear in the October show.

     Sale of the club’s $5.00 food discount cards continues.  The card, which is good till April of 2012, offers food items at free or reduced prices at 20 area businesses.  For cards or more information, call 419.238.4545.

     The club’s next meeting will be on Thursday, April 12, at 7:00 pm at the Art Center.  “Seasons” will be the theme for competition that evening.