Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Heroines are honored in show

BATON ROUGE, LA (PNAN)  Viewing through Sunday, January 29, 2023 at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Diamonds of History: Mighty Women by Ashley Longshore” is an exhibition of portraits from her Mighty Women, which was first exhibited in collaboration with fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg for her flagship store in New York City.

The series highlights the contributions, struggles, and triumphs of 29 influential women from the past and today as depicted by New Orleans-based artist Ashley Longshore. This exhibition traces the lives and the impact that these heroines have had on society through their work in the arts, sciences, political sphere, and beyond.










For other online views of Longshore’s extraordinary pioneers not shown, Lizzo, Hedy Lamar, Florence Nightingale, Young Queen Elizabeth, Cleopatra, Diana Ross, Harriet Tubman, Jane Goodall and Oprah Winfrey see:

For other programming see:

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