Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Eyes to feel global hearts at still

“I create from a spontaneous place where, even if only for a brief moment through the lens, I can expose the wondrous nuances of my surroundings,” said Calle.  “My passion for traveling and studying social and cultural phenomena pushes me to capture the essence of people and things in front of me.  Experimenting with photography, painting and non-conventional materials allows my canvas to expand, making all traditional techniques or rules disappear.”   


From people series-Thailand

    (PNAN-FL) - For over a decade, Manizales, Colombia-born photographer, Claudia Calle has adopted Miami, Florida as an extensive of her roots, but in her photography, the scenes, the people, the places are from around the globe that reveal hearts unscripted in moments of the day; action she sees through her own.

     Opening on Saturday, October 9, from 7:00-10:00 pm, Claudia Calle’s “The Road to Calle: Republic of China” exhibition goes on view. Calle was recently recognized with a first place recognition in the “Fine Art Collage” from the International Photography Awards (IPA), and in honor of her achievement, the Luis Perez Galeria/Awarehouse will showcase a series of her socio-cultural images, which represent China’s controversial mass production issues, globalization, copyrights and propaganda. 

  Selected by International Photo Awards, Calle’s ‘Republic of China’ series was one of 15,000 submissions covering 103 countries.  The pieces, which fuse photography with collage and acrylic on wood, were further hand-picked by noted curator Adriana Teresa to appear in the IPA “Best of Show” Exhibit at the Splashlight Studios in New York City. 

     For more information on Calle and viewing her global works, see and Awarehouse – or call 305.573.4004. The gallery is open daily from 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Calle’s works remain on display through October 29.

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